
Saturday, 28 September 2013

"The Fear" Worth-sharing

 I was moved by this article written by the Tanzanian MP Zitto Zuberi Kabwe. He is a young politician, whose train of thought usually intrigue me. In one of his latest articles "The Fear" he has captured the aspect of thought, not as a fleeting wisp but as a reflection that he took time and effort in evaluating.

Zitto Zuberi Kabwe, MP Kigoma North
 Click on the link below to read the article.

The Fear by Zitto Kabwe

The Catship

Lately, I've taken to watching these two, Salem my big black cat and Croods the kitten (yes, inspired by the movie). Croods was abandoned by its mother on our roof top about two months ago and I had to save it (and the neighbors' sanity) before it cried itself to death. Since then it has been part of my gang of cats. 

I have two other female cats, interestingly and contrary to my expectations none of them let it near them. Only Salem, the male cat has accepted it and actually plays with it. Theirs is a sweet and touching relationship.

Salem and Croods in one of their moments

As prejudiced as most of us, Tanzanian folks, are against black cats, Salem is the sweetest and loving cat I have. He was the first and still is the only one of my cats to accept this strange, stranded and very loud kitten; spends time with it and even lets it share his food.

Even as humans, we meet such people in life who are nurturers and loving even though they may not look so on the outside or at first glance.